Call for Papers

Artificial intelligence is a broad area of research. We encourage researchers to submit papers in the following areas but not limited to:

  • Agent-based simulation
  • Agent-oriented software engineering
  • Agents and Web services
  • Agent-based electronic commerce, auctions and markets
  • AI-GIS
  • AI-GIS for climate change
  • AI-GIS in urban and industrial development planning and management
  • AI-GIS and sustainable
  • AI in video games
  • Computer vision
  • Constraint satisfaction
  • Data mining
  • Decision theory
  • Decision trees
  • Distributed AI
  • E-Commerce and AI
  • Fuzzy logic
  • Game theory
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Internet/WWW intelligence
  • Industrial applications of AI
  • Intelligent tutoring
  • Knowledge representation and reasoning
  • Machine learning
  • Multiagent planning and learning
  • Multiagent systems and their applications
  • Multiagent systems and evolving intelligence
  • Natural language processing
  • Neural networks
  • Planning and scheduling
  • Robotics
  • Uncertainty in AI
  • Web services


Submission requirements

Submissions of the following categories are invited:

Category A: Regular papers

Papers presenting new original work. Submitted papers should not exceed a length of 12 pages in the Springer format style (templates here: .tex, .docx, .doc ). Regular papers will be reviewed on overall quality and relevance. Reviewing of category A papers will be double-blind. In order to make blind reviewing possible, the authors should follow that:

  • The authors' names and institutions should not appear in the paper.
  • Unpublished work of the authors should not be cited.
  • Using "we" or "us" in reviews of literature should be avoided, e.g., "In [1] we have proposed..." should be changed to "In [1] the authors have proposed...".

The program committee will evaluate Category A papers as either "rejected" or "accepted as long paper" or "accepted as short paper". All accepted category A papers (long and short) will be fully published in the proceedings.

List of accepted papers

ID Authors Title
2 Darko Brodic, Zoran Milivojevic, Dejan Tanikic and Dragan Milivojevic An Approach for Tuning the Parametric Water Flow Algorithm based on ANN
3 Keon Myung Lee, Kyung Mi Lee and Chan Hee Lee Mining Frequent Common Families in Trees
4 P Pavan Kumar, Arun Agarwal and Chakravarthy Bhagvati A Structure Based Approach for Mathematical Expression Retrieval
5 Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn and Suwan Tongphu Toward Composite Object Classification Using a Probabilistic Inference Engine
8 Junghoon Lee, Gyung-Leen Park and Hye-Jin Kim Relocation action planning in electric vehicle sharing systems
10 Mauro Vallati A Guide to Portfolio-based Planning
11 Chitti Kokil Kumar, Arun Agarwal and Raghavendra Rao C COLOR AND TEXTURE IMAGE SEGMENTATION
14 Moulay Rachid Douiri and Mohamed Cherkaoui Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization based Proportional Integral Controller Design for Induction Motor Drive
18 Zainab Aftab and Huma Tauseef Enhancing Pixel Oriented Visualization by merging Circle View and Circle Segment Visualization Techniques
23 Truong Cao Duy and Anh Duong Tuan Time Series Prediction Using Motif Information
29 Kishor Wagh and Satish Kolhe A New Approach for Measuring Semantic Similarity in Ontology and Its Application in Information Retrieval
33 Phuc Nguyen Hong, Dinh Tran Thi and Vinh Dinh Quang Local Stereo Matching by Joining Shiftable Window and Non-parametric Transform
36 Sharmila Wagh, Gaurav Neelwarna and Dr. Satish Kolhe A Comprehensive Analysis and Study in Intrusion Detection System Using KNN Algorithm
37 Dariusz Choinski, Mieczyslaw Metzger, Witold Nocon, Grzegorz Polakow and Piotr Skupin AI-based support for experimentation in an environmental biotechnological process
39 Dinh Tran Thi, Phuc Nguyen Hong and Vinh Dinh Quang Stereo Matching by Fusion Local Methods and Spatial Weighted Window
40 Doi Tran-Cong, Tho Quan-Thanh and Anh Duong-Tuan Efficient Handling Of 2D Image Queries Using VPC+-tree
44 Sai Prasad P.S.V.S and Raghavendra Rao Chillerige Novel Granular Framework for Attribute Reduction in Incomplete Decision Systems
45 Grzegorz Polakow and Mieczyslaw Metzger Agent-based control system for sustainable wastewater treatment process
47 N A B Sankar Chebolu, Rajeev Wankar and C Raghvendra Rao Tuning the Optimization Parameter Set for Code Size
50 Gangin Lee and Unil Yun Mining weighted frequent sub-graphs with weight and support affinities
52 Nam Nguyen Vinh and Bac Le Hoai Simple Spatial Clustering Algorithm based on R-tree
54 Thu-Le Pham and Katsumi Inoue Minimal Generalization for Conjunctive Queries
55 Hamido Hourani, Eckart Hauck and Sabina Jeschke Interruptibility and its negative impact on graph exploration missions by a team of robots
57 David Kinny Monte-Carlo Search for Snakes and Coils
58 Łukasz Wróbel, Marek Sikora and Adam Skowron Algorithms for filtration of unordered sets of regression rules
60 Mariusz Klec Evaluation of Jamendo Database as Training Set for Automatic Genre Recognition
64 Fan Cai, Nhien An Le Khac and M-Tahar Kechadi An Integrated Classification Model for Financial Data Mining
67 Omar S. Soliman and Aliaa Rassem Correlation Based Feature Selection Using Quantum Bio Inspired Estimation of Distribution Algorithm

Last updated list of accepted papers download here.